Mary Virginia Crabtree
- Born: 29 Apr 1801, Salt Works, Washington Co, Virginia, USA
- Marriage: Elisha Cox on 9 May 1820 in Claiborne Co, Tennessee, USA
- Died: 20 Sep 1864, , Lee, Virginia, USA at age 63
General Notes:
Mary Crabtree letter 1863n Mary Crabtree letter 1863a Mary Crabtree letter 1850b Mary Crabtree letter 1850a 1863 letter 1850 letter
Mary married Elisha Cox, son of Jester Cocke and Sarah Cole, on 9 May 1820 in Claiborne Co, Tennessee, USA. (Elisha Cox was born on 24 Sep 1798 in , Lee, Virginia, USA and died on 14 May 1867 in , Lee, Virginia, USA.) The cause of his death was buried on the R. S. Orr Farm at Dryden Virginia.